
  • Bruno Roberto de Lima Universidade Federal do Ceará


Public Advocacy, Stability, Structuring Processes, Administrative Reform


Public Advocacy is an essential function of the Justice that presents the State and assists government officials in legal and extrajuridical advice on how to carry out public policies in accordance with the Democratic Constitutional State of Law. In judicial action, state prosecutors act in structuring processes, promoting dialogue between the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and other conflicting procedural actors. In order for the performance of these public lawyers to comply with Constitutional values, this class must act with a certain professional autonomy conferred by the institutional guarantee of stability. Through this safeguard, it is possible to minimize the forms of interference of political and economic pressures, different from the public interest, for the adjustment of great principles. Structuring processes are types of judicial demand that try to reorganize public and private institutions for the proper conformation of public values. For these to occur with the greatest possible efficiency, a cooperative attitude of the procedural subjects is essential for carrying out the structural reform. Thus, public prosecutors are essential for the success of a structural reform, as they serve as major inter-institutional interlocutors in structuring demands. The Proposed Amendment to the Constitution No. 32 of 2020, which has as one of its objectives the end of stability in the public service for several categories of public servants, including Public Advocacy, will result in damage to the labor autonomy of state representatives and may hamper the success of the structuring processes. The study is essentially bibliographic, dialectical, systemic, hermeneutic and descriptive, of a qualitative nature, through doctrinal, historical, documentary and comparative evaluation using the deductive method. It is concluded that stability is an essential guarantee for the labor exercise of state attorneys in the composition of public values ​​and implementation of fundamental rights in structuring processes, which is why it cannot be revealed by an eventual reform of the Federal Constitution.


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How to Cite

STABILITY IN PUBLIC ADVOCACY FOR THE CONFORMATION OF PUBLIC VALUES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS IN STRUCTURING PROCESSES. Revista do Ministério Público de Contas do Estado do Paraná, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 16, p. 31–44, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.